Saving the Homeless Animals of Cottonwood County, MN.
Cottonwood County Animal Rescue
Cottonwood County Animal Rescue
Adopt a Pet
Medical and meds up to day of adoption
Worming meds will be sent home if needed.
Heartworm test if older than 6 months
Distemper/lepto/parvo vaccination (may need booster)
Adoptive family will provide booster if needed
Rabies vaccination if older than 12 weeks
Spay or neuter - when age and weight are attained
Medical and meds up to day of adoption
Worming meds will be sent home if needed.
Distemper/lepto/parvo: vaccination
Adoptive family will provide booster if needed
Rabies vaccination if older that 12 weeks
Spay or neuter - When age and weight are attained
Steps to Adoption
Apply - Be Approved - Provide Love & Care